Found this on the net




    Power and law are not synonymous. In truth they are

    frequently in opposition and irreconcilable.     There is GOD'S LAW from which all equitable laws of man emerge and by which men must live if they are not to die in oppression, chaos and despair.

 Divorced from GODS ETERNAL AND IMMUTABLE LAW, established before the founding of the suns,

    man's power is evil no matter the noble words with which it is employed or the motives urged when enforcing it.


Men of good will, mindful therefore of the LAW LAID DOWN BY GOD, will oppose governments whose rule is by men and, if they wish to survive as a nation, they will destroy that government which attempts to adjudicate by the whim or power of venal judges.

    CICERO (106‑43 BC).

        The Jewish people, taken collectively, will be its own Messiah. It will attain to mastery of the world through the union of all OTHER human races, through the abolition of boundaries and monarchies, which are the bulwark of Particularism, and through the erection of a universal Republic, in which the Jews will everywhere enjoy universal rights.In this new organization of mankind the sons of Israel will spread themselves over the whole inhabited world, and they, since they all belong to the same race and culture‑tradition, without at the same time having a definite nationality, will form the leading element without finding opposition.


The government of the nation, which will make up this

    universal Republic, will pass without effort into the hands of the Israelites, by the very fact of the victory of the proletariat. The Jewish race can then do away with private property, and after that everywhere administer the public funds.


Then shall the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled. When

the time of the Messiah has come, the Jews will hold in

their hands the key to the wealth of the world.

 BARUCH LEVY, JEW, historian, from his famous letter to

    Karl Marx (emphasis added).

    In order to possess what you do not possess

    You must go by way of dispossession.

    T.S. ELIOT, "Four Quartets".

    Purified races always become stronger and more beautiful.


     The raison d'etre of a Communist government, according to Karl Marx, is to build up a proletarian system of society. When persons or classes of persons are found who cannot be fitted into such a society they are "liquidated", that is they are put to death... In this entirety passionless spirit, Lenin (JEW) and Dzershinsky (JEW) had eliminated the aristocratic and plutocratic classes of Czarist Russia together with tens of thousands of Orthodox bishops and priests after the Revolution of 1917....The great majority perished (simply) because they could not be assimilated by the new proletariat state being created.

    F.J.P. VEALE, English jurist, "Advance to Barbarism."


    JEWS could never have captured America without the complianceof her White leadership which, early in the 20th Century, resided in the sons, grandsons and great‑grandsons of the men who pioneered this land. These scions inherited power, privilege

and wealth but completely lost touch with the IDEA that made this Nation great: "the manifest destiny of the White Race." Consequently, America was seduced into fighting wars abroad for JEW interests, destroying not only the White seed of Europe, but damaging the ethos of the entire West, thus allowing the ILLUMINATI to burrow deeper and deeper into America's sinews. The Aryan upper‑crust, educated in prestigious prep‑schools and Ivy League colleges, was kept totally ignorant of the Laws of Genetics ‑ God's Laws; while the TALMUDIC garbage of Marx, Freud, and Boas were proclaimed and promulgated as the path to peace and plenty. Displaying masters degrees and doctorates these brain‑washed, socially elite goyim with soft hands and bleeding hearts were complicit in spreading spirochetes of JEW syphilis throughout the West. The results have been disastrous.

    A HIGH CULTURE as we now know, is the reflection of a UNIQUE PEOPLE. When that People sickens it is reflected in their culture. No doubt Western Culture is sick. Why?

    Cultural Pathologists exhibit several indisputable FACTS from which one must draw obvious conclusions:

   JEWS deliberately prepared Western Man for the 20th CENTURY WARS OF ANNIHILATION by distorting his racial instincts through lies, propaganda, and demonizing the "enemy," and by BUYING Allied political leadership, thus bringing America and Britain into total warfare AGAINST their European family. Germany's High Purpose was to unite Europe against the REAL ENEMY ‑ JUDAEO‑MARXISTS. The tragic result was TOTAL victory for the KHAZARS and devastating defeat for the Aryan West............................ 

  Consider England, c. 1900, a tiny island of approximately 40‑million souls, controlling over 80% of the earth (including mastery of the seas). She was the greatest civilizing influence the world had ever known. Today, after fighting two world wars FOR THE ENEMY, British supremacy of the seas is gone; her commercial and political primacy in Europe are gone; her colonial power is gone; her monetary reserves are gone; and her Aryan breeding stock is seriously depleted. She was kicked‑out of Palestine by ungrateful JEWS (armed by American ZIONISTS), her soldiers assassinated, their bodies booby‑trapped, her diplomats murdered. England now is owned lock‑stock‑and‑ barrel by the ILLUMINATI, and has been forced to accept waves of non‑White immigration among her pink‑cheeked Teutonic Family in preparation for ONE WORLD JEW GOVERNMENT (Population statistics project London will have a non-white majority by 2010; Britain will have a non-white majority within 75-years).

    America fared no better. She won the military debacle FOR THE ENEMY, and lost the Peace. Interest ($ 245‑Billion per annum) on her 6‑Trillion Dollar Debt(2005 = 9-trill)  belongs to the ILLUMINATI. The United States, "The World's only Super Power," is now a JEW colony. White Americans, dispossessed, are merely well paid highly taxed employees. They keep the wheels turning, fight JEW wars and are admonished to relinquish their daughters' wombs to miscegenation.

    Quite clearly Mendelism exposed a bleeding wound: When a Culture Organism fails to fight for itself, it fights against itself. It always loses when it fails to fight the REAL ENEMY. Cultural pathologists reveal that an entire People was led to its destruction, against its instincts, by self‑serving leaders and false propaganda. Complicit in the destruction of Western Culture the MASS‑MEDIA has been found guilty of abetting treason, sedition, murder, genocide and other high crimes.

     If any question why we died,

        Tell them, because our fathers lied."   


    When lo! an angel called him out of heaven,

        Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the lad,

        Neither do anything to him. Behold,

     A ram, caught in a thicket by its horns,

        Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him.

        But the old man would not so, but slew his son,

        And half the seed of Europe, one by one.

        WILFRED OWEN, "The Parable of the Old Man and the Young."


    Those patriots who died to "Save the World for Democracy" died bravely but in vain. DEMOCRACY, we have seen, is political

anthrax used by JEWS to destroy their Gentile hosts by turning the meritocracy pyramid upside down. Thus, through the franchise superior men (UN-common Men) are rendered politically impotent by votes of the numerically superior masses; they ‑ being ignorant, frenetic and compulsive ("the beast with many heads") ‑ are easily manipulated by MONEY and the MASS‑MEDIA (the Electoral College represents the party bosses and is a sham). Honest leaders, shunned by media‑moguls, are rarely seen or heard publicly. Consequently, they rarely are elected to public office; while pols enjoying MEDIA approval enjoy long careers at the public trough, and in back‑rooms selling America's heritage to the highest bidders. The rule of thumb is: if the candidate has media approval he's been bought! Thus, in a nation where quantity is valued over quality, and equality over merit every segment of the culture is degraded.

    The Liberal axiom that "This is a nation of Laws" (under which all men are equal) lost its validity when "all men" was interpreted by U.S. judiciary to mean "all races." The Founders, as their writings clearly document, contemned the notion of racial equality even as they contemned the notion of democracy. But the visions of our Aryan Founding Fathers meant nothing to the JEWS, or to the legislators and jurists that the ILLUMINATI so regularly blackmailed, extorted and bought.

    Ergo, Constitutional amendments, liberal enactments and interpretations of the law have nullified government as envisioned by the Founders, literally turning the Law of the Land against the White race ("We the People") the very People it initially was crafted to protect. (On a global scale, too, Democracy is disastrous for Whites who comprise only 10% of the World Population).

    The gradual dismemberment of our Constitutional Republic was performed gradually and deliberately. The America we were raised to love and respect and to which we pledge our allegiance has carefully been preserved in its panoply, monuments, and historic places. But, as we shall see, that's largely an illusion. The vision of Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin has been distorted beyond redemption. "An Enemy Hath Done This!" (Ezra Taft Benson).
Inside the heart of our nation feeds a disgusting, salivating leech.
Excerpted from:
"Kill the Best Gentiles !"


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