Inept US Presidents

ONE BAD President can ruin a nation.............................

World War One may have occurred, due to the fact that
European leaders saw our President, Tommy W. Wilson,
and realized they had nothing to fear in such a sickly person.

Yes, Tommy Wilson had suffered a brain aneurysm prior
to being placed as President.

Tommy later suffered another stroke in office.

Tommy was too sick to even cut the grass at the White
House, nevermind be President.

The American military was 19th in size in 1914.

World War TWO...............

FDR was so sick from polio and arteriole sclerosis, that
when put in as President, he was the first "DEAD MAN WALKING".

Our enemies laughed at the American people and FDR.

FDR cut military spending 33% his first year in office.

FDR cut military spending 50% the next year.

The American military was 17th in size in 1935.

HARRY TRUMAN, gave away Europe and some
200 million people fell under the control of communism.

TRUMAN violated the Atlantic Charter.

JFK was so ill with ADDISON's DISEASE, that he could have
died at any time.

LBJ lied about his "Oil War" in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Bill Clinton, pardoned DESERTER, was the joke of the world
as terrorists attacked Americans all over the world and
all Clinton did was to have Monica come to the Oval office.

ET TU Obama?


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