What it will take to restore America: Identify the enemy
The Illuminati and Its Triad of Evil
Mikhail Gorbachev: Victory in Afghanistan is "impossible"
Population "Control", New World Order Style
The Great Red Dragon and the Illuminati´s Oriental Express
Murder, rape and the final proof that Britain should never have fought ...
Video: The truth about Common Purpose
Spiro Agnew knews about theZionist danger
"Gentiles need to die"
Nuclear wistle-blower denied basic freedoms by Israel
Fury over £1bn green stealth tax in spending review
Ahmadinejad - Guts to tell the truth
Obama boys bail out
Israel´s Master Plan
Zionist war on the middle class
Israel´s Loyalty Oath Exposed
This is how Israel controls your media
David Icke - The world is utterly insane
9/11: The media ignores evidence of WTC exploslves
They are few, we are many
Satanist explains the rites of sodomy
New documentary exposes how "banksters" continue to steal our money
Iceland´s politicians forced to flee from angry protesters
"Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific ...
Daryl Bradford Smith (iamthewitness.com) with guest Adrian Salbuchi
Videos: Judaism and Zionism
Hitler & the Zionists
1. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOkvy-102Z4&feature=related2. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gNm8RjT2tE&feature=related
Was Hitler a Zionist NWO Illuminati? Who Funded The Nazis? Adolph Rothschild
House of Rothschild vs U.S. Presidents
Dan Maxwell - You are property of the Rothschild
Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve